Property Protection

The best way to protect property from flooding is to relocate it out of harm’s way.  Many times, this is not feasible for the property owner. Property owners can help protect property from future flooding by undertaking the following:

  • Demolish the building or relocate it out of harm’s way
  • Elevate the building above the flood level
  • Elevate electrical and mechanical equipment, especially if it is in the basement
  • Dry floodproof the building so water cannot get into it
  • Wet floodproof portions of the building so water won’t cause damage
  • Construct a berm or redirect drainage away from building
  • Maintain nearby streams, ditches and storm drains free of obstructions
  • Correct sewer backup problems
  • Install a sump pump to dispose of infiltrating water to the outside grounds. Do not pump into the sewer system or street.
  • Strengthen basement walls and install smart vent or similar system.
  • Install/use water resistant paints, flooring, carpets, doors, windows, and other materials.

Manasquan’s Construction & Code Department offers free technical assistance on flood protection, mitigation, insurance and financial assistance to property owners. You may also request a site visit to review flooding, drainage, and sewer problems as well as about how to protect your property from flooding.  For flood protection assistance or to request a site visit, please contact Manasquan’s Construction & Code Department at (732) 223-0544 ext. 307 or by visiting the second floor of Borough Hall.

For comprehensive information on protecting your home from flooding, please visit the Repetative Flood Portal from the University of New Orleans:

Take these simple precautions to help protect your property from flooding:

  1. Build with flood damage resistant materials
  2. Install Sewer Backflow Valves
  3. Anchor fuel tanks
  4. Raise electrical system components
  5. For more information on protecting your home and property from flood damage, please visit:

For FEMA Guidance on protecting your property froms torm surge, coastal erosion & flooding, visit:

The Borough of Manasquan, in cooperation with the Manasquan Public Library, offers a collection of flooding related material, including the Flood Insurance Rate Map.  There are books dealing with hurricane safety, flood hazard mitigation, flood insurance, coastal construction and the New Jersey Statewide flood control master plan.  These books are available at the Library on Broad Street (732) 223-1503 as well at the Construction & Code Department at (732) 223-0544 ext. 307 on the second floor of Borough Hall.

A partial list of those publications available at the library with links to the documents is provided below:

Financial Assistance for Property Protection:
Manasquan’s Construction & Code Department offers free advice on financial assistance for property protection measures for property owners.  For information on flood protection financial assistance, please contact Manasquan’s Construction & Code Department at (732) 223-0544 ext. 307 or by visiting the second floor of Borough Hall.

Pre-Flood Assistance

Post-Flood Assistance